As one of the largest producers of medical devices, our client makes innovative products that save lives and improve peoples’ quality of life. But changes in healthcare pose a significant threat to medical device margins due to centralized decision-making at hospitals and powerful economic pressures to lower costs of care. To evolve their business model, senior leaders recognized that digital solutions could enable deeper relationships with customers and more personalized experiences. However, there wasn’t a cohesive vision or strategy for how to effectively incorporate digital offerings into the organization.
In order to inform a digital strategy, we first studied entrenched and emerging competitors and sought inspiration from other digital-forward industries. We then created a strategic vision based on the perspectives of leaders from multiple specialties, including sales, marketing, operations, and technology.
Next, we aggregated digital efforts into three categories: commerce solutions for direct selling; sales enablement solutions for sales representatives, and team member solutions for internal staff.
To generate the required support from senior leaders, we created a business case for digital investment that described its hard and soft benefits and also included examples that highlighted successful digital initiatives from across the organization.
At the end of the engagement, our client shared this about the outcome: “Rêve helped us to pull together a number of complex concepts into one cohesive strategy and story. They have a rare ability to think and do.”
An Enterprise-Wide Digital Strategy
Outline of Key Capabilities Required to Deliver Digital Solutions
A Roadmap to Activate the Strategy